Waiver of Liability for Minors
If you are under 18 you must fill out and sign this release form with your parents or guardian. Minors without signed release forms will not be permitted to participate in any activities.
Minor Agreement
I volunteer my services to EPICuisines Cooking Firm, LLC. These services are performed by my own free choice.
I agree to fulfill my responsibilities to the best of my ability and to abide by the safety and work standards established by EPICuisines Cooking Firm, LLC. I understand that if I do not follow these guidelines my participation in the cooking class will be ended.
I understand that there are some risks of injury involved in my assignment and I will pay attention to ensure I understand and avoid any and all dangers. I will NOT accept any work assignments I feel I am not qualified or prepared for.
I agree to have fun, follow instructions and eat for the health of it! I am ready to learn more about eating healthy and how to provide my body with its needed daily nutrients.
I understand that pictures of my minor will be taken while learning, working, sweating and having a blast. I understand that those pictures may be used in brochures, on social media, videos etc.
I hereby VOLUNTARILY enter an service agreement with Chef J'La (Johnique Lang) seeking her personal research, knowledge, services and advice on food and meal plan substitution.
I acknowledge that these recommendations are simply a tool for teaching individuals about themselves but does not guarantee neither good nor bad results.
In signing this release, I acknowledge that the services provided by EPICuisines, Chef J'La (Johnique Lang) are RECOMMENDATIONS for food only, and I am to seek medical advice for all medical health concerns and possible food allergies.
Please fill out the form below.
Waiver of LIABILITY:
I hereby release EPICuisines Cooking Firm, LLC and any of their volunteers/employees from all claims and liabilities of any nature arising out of my child/ward’s participation in any aspect of the cooking class. In the event my child/ward is photographed or videotaped while participating in a EPICuisines Cooking Firm, LLC cooking class, the photo or videotape may be used by EPICuisines Cooking Firm, LLC. or any of its partners or sponsoring agencies.